Making LMD buttons work when clicked #65
I use Delphi7 and LMD buttons a lot but got annoyed because the settings do not work for all button types.
For example when ubswin40 is set, the text moves properly with the button and you can use coloured buttons (but with square corners). When onautodetect or ubsWinXP you get a pale coloured slightly rounded button (the coloured setting does not work) which is fine but irritatingly (to me anyway) the text doesnt move when you click it although the glyph does.
By putting these procedures in place you can get the text to move properly. There is also a useful routine for putting a set of buttons or any other component like edit boxes into an array.
At the top of the unit:
procedure TForm1.FormActivate var k:integer; begin for k:=1 to maxbuttons do begin new(pbutton[k]); pbutton[k]^:= tlmdbutton(FindComponent('LMDButton'+IntToStr(k))); end; end;
procedure TForm1.FormActivate var k:integer; begin for k:=1 to maxbuttons do begin new(pbutton[k]); pbutton[k]^:= tlmdbutton(FindComponent('LMDButton'+IntToStr(k))); end; end;
Note the buttons must be LMDButton1, LMDButton2 etc in
sequence or you need to allocate them manually eg
In procedure Tform1.close or wherever you close the form:
var k:integer; begin for k:=1 to maxbuttons do dispose(pbutton[k]); end;
Copy the procedures below into your program then select all buttons (Click on each holding the shift key down) press F11 and point mousedown and mouseup events to the following.
These go in the form definitions:
procedure LMDButtonMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure LMDButtonMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
These go in the program:
procedure TForm1.LMDButtonMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var k:integer; b:boolean; begin b:=false; k:=1; while (k<= maxbuttons) and (not b) do begin {Note sender indicates which button has been clicked} if pbutton[k]^ = sender then begin with pbutton[k]^ do begin if not (extstyle = ubswin40) then begin ButtonLayout.OffsetX:=2; {you might only want this to be 1 since} ButtonLayout.Offsety:=2; {it depends how you have drawn the glyph} end; end; b:=true; end; k:=k+1; end; end; procedure TForm1.LMDButtonMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var k:integer; begin for k:= 1 to maxbuttons do if pbutton[k]^ = sender then with pbutton[k]^ do begin ButtonLayout.OffsetX:=0; ButtonLayout.Offsety:=0; end; end;
Author: | Alan Bailey |
Contributor: | Alan Bailey |
Added: | 2008/04/29 |
Last updated: | 2008/04/29 |