Optimised replacements for DecodeDate and EncodeDate #230
Here are two replacements for Delphi's DecodeDate and EncodeDate routines that are optimised for speed.
procedure OptDecodeDate(const DateTime: TDateTime; out Year, Month, Day: Integer); var J: Integer; begin J := Pred((Trunc(DateTime) + 693900) shl 2); Year := J div 146097; Day := (J - 146097 * Year) shr 2; J := (Day shl 2 + 3) div 1461; Day := (Day shl 2 + 7 - 1461 * J) shr 2; Month := (5 * Day - 3) div 153; Day := (5 * Day + 2 - 153 * Month) div 5; Year := 100 * Year + J; if Month < 10 then Inc(Month, 3) else begin Dec(Month, 9); Inc(Year); end; end;
function OptEncodeDate(Year, Month, Day: Integer): TDateTime; var DayTable: PDayTable; begin DayTable := @MonthDays[IsLeapYear(Year)]; if (Day <= DayTable^[Month]) and (Year > 0) and (Year < 10000) and (Month < 13) and (Day > 0) then begin if Month > 2 then Dec(Month, 3) else if Month > 0 then begin Inc(Month, 9); Dec(Year); end else // Month <= 0 raise Exception.Create('Invalid Date'); Result := (146097 * (Year div 100)) shr 2 + (1461 * (Year - 100 * (Year div 100))) shr 2 + (153 * Month + 2) div 5 + Day - 693900; end else raise Exception.Create('Invalid Date' + IntToStr(Year) + '-' + IntToStr(Month) + '-' + IntToStr(Day)); end;
The routines require the SysUtils unit.
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Author: | |
Contributor: | Bill Miller |
Added: | 2014/01/22 |
Last updated: | 2014/01/22 |