BDE API Overview #212

Available BDE 4.0 engine functions by type:

1. Database functions

Each function listed below returns information about a specific database, available databases, or performs a database-related task, such as opening or closing a database.

DbiCloseDatabase Closes a database and all tables associated with this database handle.
DbiGetDatabaseDesc Retrieves the description of the specified database from the configuration file.
DbiGetDirectory Retrieves the current working directory or the default directory.
DbiOpenDatabase Opens a database in the current session and returns a database handle.
DbiOpenDatabaseList Creates an in-memory table containing a list of accessible databases and their descriptions.
DbiOpenFileList Opens a cursor on the virtual table containing all the tables accessible by the client application and their descriptions.
DbiOpenIndexList Opens a cursor on an in-memory table listing the indexes on a specified table, a-long with their descriptions.
DbiOpenTableList Creates an in-memory table with information about all the tables accessible to the client application.

2. Environment and configuration functions

Each function listed below returns information about the client application environment, such as the supported table, field and index types for the driver type, or the available driver types. Functions in this category can also perform tasks that affect the client application environment, such as loading a driver.

DbiAddAlias Adds an alias to the BDE configuration file (IDAPI.CFG).
DbiAddDriver Adds a driver to the BDE configuration file (IDAPI.CFG). NEW FUNCTION BDE 4.0
DbiAnsiToNative Multipurpose translate function.
DbiDebugLayerOptions Activates, deactivates, or sets options for the BDE debug layer. OBSOLETE FUNCTION BDE 4.0
DbiDeleteAlias Deletes an alias from the BDE configuration file (IDAPI.CFG).
DbiDeleteDriver Deletes a driver from the BDE configuration file (IDAPI.CFG). NEW FUNCTION BDE 4.0
DbiDllExit Prepares the BDE to be disconnected within a DLL. NEW FUNCTION BDE 4.0
DbiExit Disconnects the client application from BDE.
DbiGetClientInfo Retrieves system-level information about the client application environment.
DbiGetDriverDesc Retrieves a description of a driver.
DbiGetLdName Retrieves the name of the language driver associated with the specified object name (table name).
DbiGetLdObj Retrieves the language driver object associated with the given cursor.
DbiGetNetUserName Retrieves the user's network login name. User names should be available for all networks supported by Microsoft Windows.
DbiGetProp Returns a property of an object.
DbiGetSysConfig Retrieves BDE system configuration information.
DbiGetSysInfo Retrieves system status and information.
DbiGetSysVersion Retrieves the system version information, including the BDE version number, date, and time, and the client interface version number.
DbiInit Initializes the BDE environment.
DbiLoadDriver Load a given driver.
DbiNativeToAnsi Translates a string in the native language driver to an ANSI string.
DbiOpenCfgInfoList Returns a handle to an in-memory table listing all the nodes in the configuration file accessible by the specified path.
DbiOpenDriverList Creates an in-memory table containing a list of driver names available to the client application.
DbiOpenFieldTypesList Creates an in-memory table containing a list of field types supported by the table type for the driver type.
DbiOpenFunctionArgList Returns a list of arguments to a data source function.
DbiOpenFunctionList Returns a description of a data source function.
DbiOpenIndexTypesList Creates an in-memory table containing a list of all supported index types for the driver type.
DbiOpenLdList Creates an in-memory table containing a list of available language drivers.
DbiOpenTableList Creates an in-memory table with information about all the tables accessible to the client application.
DbiOpenTableTypesList Creates an in-memory table listing table type names for the given driver.
DbiOpenUserList Creates an in-memory table containing a list of users sharing the same network file.
DbiSetProp Sets the specified property of an object to a given value.
DbiUseIdleTime Allows BDE to accomplish background tasks during times when the client application is idle. OBSOLETE FUNCTION BDE 4.0

3. Session functions

Each function listed below returns information about a session or performs a task that affects the session, such as starting a session or adding a password.

DbiAddPassword Adds a password to the current session.
DbiCheckRefresh Checks for remote updates to tables for all cursors in the current session, and refreshes the cursors if changed.
DbiCloseSession Closes the session associated with the given session handle.
DbiDropPassword Removes a password from the current session.
DbiGetCallBack Returns a pointer to the function previously registered by the client for the given callback type.
DbiGetCurrSession Returns the handle associated with the current session.
DbiGetDateFormat Gets the date format for the current session.
DbiGetNumberFormat Gets the number format for the current session.
DbiGetSesInfo Retrieves the environment settings for the current session.
DbiGetTimeFormat Gets the time format for the current session.
DbiRegisterCallBack Registers a callback function for the client application.
DbiSetCurrSession Sets the current session of the client application to the session associated with hSes.
DbiSetDateFormat Sets the date format for the current session.
DbiSetNumberFormat Sets the number format for the current session.
DbiSetPrivateDir Sets the private directory for the current session.
DbiSetTimeFormat Sets the time format for the current session.
DbiStartSession Starts a new session for the client application.

4. Error-handling functions

Each function listed below returns error handling information or performs a task that relates to error handling.

DbiGetErrorContext After receiving an error code back from a call, enables the client to probe BDE for more specific error information.
DbiGetErrorEntry Returns the error description of a specified error stack entry.
DbiGetErrorInfo Provides descriptive error information about the last error that occurred.
DbiGetErrorString Returns the message associated with a given error code.

5. Lock functions

Each function listed below returns information about lock status or acquires or releases a lock at the table or record level.

DbiAcqPersistTableLock Acquires an exclusive persistent lock on the table preventing other users from using the table or creating a table of the same name.
DbiAcqTableLock Acquires a table-level lock on the table associated with the given cursor.
DbiGetRecord Record positioning functions have a lock parameter.
DbiIsRecordLocked Checks the lock status of the current record.
DbiIsTableLocked Returns the number of locks of a specified type acquired on the table associated with the given session.
DbiIsTableShared Determines whether the table is physically shared or not.
DbiOpenLockList Creates an in-memory table containing a list of locks acquired on the table.
DbiOpenUserList Creates an in-memory table containing a list of users sharing the same network file.
DbiRelPersistTableLock Releases the persistent table lock on the specified table.
DbiRelRecordLock Releases the record lock on either the current record of the cursor or only the locks acquired in the current session.
DbiRelTableLock Releases table locks of the specified type associated with the current session (the session in which the cursor was created).
DbiSetLockRetry Sets the table and record lock retry time for the current session.

6. Cursor functions

Each function listed below returns information about a cursor, or performs a task that performs a cursor-related task such as positioning of a cursor, linking of cursors, creating and closing cursors, counting of records associated with a cursor, filtering, setting and comparing bookmarks, and refreshing all buffers associated with a cursor.

DbiActivateFilter Activates a filter.
DbiAddFilter Adds a filter to a table, but does not activate the filter (the record set is not yet altered).
DbiApplyDelayedUpdates When cached updates cursor layer is active, writes all modifications made to cached data to the underlying database.
DbiBeginDelayedUpdates Creates a cached updates cursor layer so that users can make extended changes to temporarily cached table data without writing to the actual table, thereby minimizing resource locking.
DbiBeginLinkMode Converts a cursor to a link cursor. Given an open cursor, prepares for linked access. Returns a new cursor.
DbiCloneCursor Creates a new cursor (clone cursor) which has the same result set as the given cursor (source cursor).
DbiCloseCursor Closes a previously opened cursor.
DbiCompareBookMarks Compares the relative positions of two bookmarks in the result set associated with the cursor.
DbiDeactivateFilter Temporarily stops the specified filter from affecting the record set by turning the filter off.
DbiDropFilter Deactivates and removes a filter from memory, and frees all resources.
DbiEndDelayedUpdates Closes a cached updates cursor layer ending the cached updates mode.
DbiEndLinkMode Ends linked cursor mode, and returns the original cursor.
DbiExtractKey Retrieves the key value for the current record of the given cursor or from the supplied record buffer.
DbiForceRecordReread Rereads a single record from the server on demand, refreshing one row only, rather than clearing the cache.
DbiForceReread Refreshes all buffers associated with the cursor, if necessary.
DbiFormFullName Returns the fully qualified table name.
DbiGetBookMark Saves the current position of a cursor to the client-supplied buffer called a bookmark.
DbiGetCursorForTable Finds the cursor for the given table.
DbiGetCursorProps Returns the properties of the cursor.
DbiGetExactRecordCount Retrieves the current exact number of records associated with the cursor. NEW FUNCTION BDE 4.0
DbiGetFieldDescs Retrieves a list of descriptors for all the fields in the table associated with the cursor.
DbiGetLinkStatus Returns the link status of the cursor.
DbiGetNextRecord Retrieves the next record in the table associated with the cursor.
DbiGetPriorRecord Retrieves the previous record in the table associated with the given cursor.
DbiGetProp Returns a property of an object.
DbiGetRecord Retrieves the current record, if any, in the table associated with the cursor.
DbiGetRecordCount Retrieves the current number of records associated with the cursor.
DbiGetRecordForKey Finds and retrieves a record matching a key and positions the cursor on that record.
DbiGetRelativeRecord Positions the cursor on a record in the table relative to the current position of the cursor.
DbiGetSeqNo Retrieves the sequence number of the current record in the table associated with the cursor.
DbiLinkDetail Establishes a link between two tables such that the detail table has its record set limited to the set of records matching the linking key values of the master table cursor.
DbiLinkDetailToExp Links the detail cursor to the master cursor using an expression.
DbiMakePermanent Changes a temporary table created by DbiCreateTempTable into a permanent table.
DbiOpenTable Opens the given table for access and associates a cursor handle with the opened table.
DbiResetRange Removes the specified table's limited range previously established by the function DbiSetRange.
DbiSaveChanges Forces all updated records associated with the cursor to disk.
DbiSetFieldMap Sets a field map of the table associated with the given cursor.
DbiSetProp Sets the specified property of an object to a given value.
DbiSetRange Sets a range on the result set associated with the cursor.
DbiSetToBegin Positions the cursor to BOF (just before the first record).
DbiSetToBookMark Positions the cursor to the location saved in the specified bookmark.
DbiSetToCursor Sets the position of one cursor (the destination cursor) to that of another (the source cursor).
DbiSetToEnd Positions the cursor to EOF (just after the last record).
DbiSetToKey Positions an index-based cursor on a key value.
DbiSetToRecordNo Positions the cursor of a dBASE table to the given physical record number.
DbiSetToSeqNo Positions the cursor to the specified sequence number of a Paradox table.
DbiUnlinkDetail Removes a link between two cursors.

7. Index functions

Each function listed below returns information about an index or indexes, or performs a task that affects an index, such as dropping it, deleting it, or adding it.

DbiAddIndex Creates an index on an existing table.
DbiCloseIndex Closes the specified index on a cursor.
DbiCompareKeys Compares two key values based on the current index of the cursor.
DbiDeleteIndex Drops an index on a table.
DbiExtractKey Retrieves the key value for the current record of the given cursor or from the supplied record buffer.
DbiGetIndexDesc Retrieves the properties of the given index associated with the cursor.
DbiGetIndexDescs Retrieves index properties.
DbiGetIndexForField Returns the description of any useful index on the specified field.
DbiGetIndexSeqNo Retrieves the ordinal number of the index in the index list of the specified cursor.
DbiGetIndexTypeDesc Retrieves a description of the index type.
DbiOpenIndex Opens the index for the table associated with the cursor.
DbiRegenIndex Regenerates an index to make sure that it is up-to-date (all records currently in the table are included in the index and are in the index order).
DbiRegenIndexes Regenerates all out-of-date indexes on a given table.
DbiSwitchToIndex Allows the user to change the active index order of the given cursor.

8. Query functions

Each function listed below performs a query task, such as preparing and executing a SQL or QBE query.

DbiGetProp Returns a property of an object.
DbiQAlloc Allocates a new statement handle for a prepared query.
DbiQExec Executes the previously prepared query identified by the supplied statement handle and returns a cursor to the result set, if one is generated.
DbiQExecDirect Executes a SQL or QBE query and returns a cursor to the result set, if one is generated.
DbiQExecProcDirect Executes a stored procedure and returns a cursor to the result set, if one is generated.
DbiQFree Frees the resources associated with a previously prepared query identified by the supplied statement handle.
DbiQGetBaseDescs Returns the original database, table, and field names of the fields that make up the result set of a query.
DbiQInstantiateAnswer Creates a permanent table from the cursor to the result set.
DbiQPrepare Prepares a SQL or QBE query for execution, and returns a handle to a statement containing the prepared query.
DbiQPrepareProc Prepares and optionally binds parameters for a stored procedure.
DbiQSetParams Associates data with parameter markers embedded within a prepared query.
DbiQSetProcParams Binds parameters for a stored procedure prepared with DbiQPrepareProc.
DbiSetProp Sets the specified property of an object to a given value.
DbiValidateProp Validates a property.

9. Table functions

Each function listed below returns information about a specific table, such as all the locks acquired on the table, all the referential integrity links on the table, the indexes open on the table, or whether or not the table is shared. Functions in this category can also perform a table-wide operation, such as copying and deleting.

DbiBatchMove Appends, updates, subtracts, and copies records or fields from a source table to a destination table.
DbiCopyTable Duplicates the specified source table to a destination table.
DbiCreateInMemTable Creates a temporary, in-memory table.
DbiCreateTable Creates a table.
DbiCreateTempTable Creates a temporary table that is deleted when the cursor is closed, unless the call is followed by a call to DbiMakePermanent.
DbiDeleteTable Deletes a table.
DbiDoRestructure Changes the properties of a table.
DbiEmptyTable Deletes all records from the table associated with the specified table cursor handle or table name.
DbiGetTableOpenCount Returns the total number of cursors that are open on the specified table.
DbiGetTableTypeDesc Returns a description of the capabilities of the table type for the driver type.
DbiIsTableLocked Returns the number of locks of a specified type acquired on the table associated with the given session.
DbiIsTableShared Determines whether the table is physically shared or not.
DbiMakePermanent Changes a temporary table created by DbiCreateTempTable into a permanent table.
DbiOpenFamilyList Creates an in-memory table listing the family members associated with a specified table.
DbiOpenFieldList Creates an in-memory table listing the fields in a specified table and their descriptions.
DbiOpenIndexList Opens a cursor on an in-memory table listing the indexes on a specified table, along with their descriptions.
DbiOpenLockList Creates an in-memory table containing a list of locks acquired on the table associated with the cursor.
DbiOpenRintList Creates an in-memory table listing the referential integrity links for a specified table, along with their descriptions.
DbiOpenSecurityList Creates an in-memory table listing record-level security information about a specified table.
DbiOpenTable Opens the given table for access and associates a cursor handle with the opened table.
DbiPackTable Optimizes table space by rebuilding the table associated with the cursor and releasing any free space.
DbiQInstantiateAnswer Creates a permanent table from a cursor handle.
DbiRegenIndexes Regenerates all out-of-date indexes on a given table.
DbiRenameTable Renames the table and all of its resources to the new name specified.
DbiSaveChanges Forces all updated records associated with the table to disk.
DbiSortTable Sorts an opened or closed table, either into itself or into a destination table. There are options to remove duplicates, to enable case-insensitive sorts and special sort functions, and to control the number of records sorted.

10. Data access functions

Each function listed below accesses data in a table, such as retrieving data from a specified BLOB field or from the record buffer.

DbiAppendRecord Appends a record to the end of the table associated with the given cursor.
DbiDeleteRecord Deletes the current record of the given cursor.
DbiFreeBlob Closes the BLOB handle located within the specified record buffer.
DbiGetBlob Retrieves data from the specified BLOB field.
DbiGetBlobHeading Retrieves information about a BLOB field from the BLOB heading in the record buffer.
DbiGetBlobSize Retrieves the size of the specified BLOB field in bytes.
DbiGetField Retrieves the data contents of the requested field from the record buffer.
DbiGetFieldDescs Retrieves a list of descriptors for all the fields in the table associated with the cursor.
DbiGetFieldTypeDesc Retrieves a description of the specified field type.
DbiInitRecord Initializes the record buffer to a blank record according to the data types of the fields.
DbiInsertRecord Inserts a new record into the table associated with the given cursor.
DbiModifyRecord Modifies the current record of table associated with the cursor with the data supplied.
DbiOpenBlob Prepares the cursor's record buffer to access a BLOB field.
DbiPutBlob Writes data into an open BLOB field.
DbiPutField Writes the field value to the correct location in the supplied record buffer.
DbiReadBlock Reads a specified number of records (starting from the next position of the cursor) into a buffer.
DbiSaveChanges Forces all updated records associated with the cursor to disk.
DbiSetFieldMap Sets a field map of the table associated with the given cursor.
DbiTruncateBlob Shortens the size of the contents of a BLOB field, or deletes the contents of a BLOB field from the record, by shortening it to zero.
DbiUndeleteRecord Undeletes a dBASE record that has been marked for deletion (a "soft" delete).
DbiVerifyField Verifies that the data specified is a valid data type for the field specified, and that all validity checks in place for the field are satisfied. It can also be used to check if a field is blank.
DbiWriteBlock Writes a block of records to the table associated with the cursor.

11. Transaction functions

Each function listed below begins, ends, or inquires about the status of a transaction.

DbiBeginTran Begins a transaction.
DbiEndTran Ends a transaction.
DbiGetTranInfo Retrieves the transaction state.

12. Capability or schema functions

Each function listed below returns information about capabilities or the schema.

DbiOpenCfgInfoList Returns a handle to an in-memory table listing all the nodes in the configuration file accessible by the specified path.
DbiOpenDatabaseList Creates an in-memory table containing a list of accessible databases and their descriptions.
DbiOpenDriverList Creates an in-memory table containing a list of driver names available to the client application.
DbiOpenFamilyList Creates an in-memory table listing the family members associated with a specified table.
DbiOpenFieldList Creates an in-memory table listing the fields in a specified table and their descriptions.
DbiOpenFieldTypesList Creates an in-memory table containing a list of field types supported by the table type for the driver type.
DbiOpenFunctionArgList Returns a list of arguments to a data source function.
DbiOpenFunctionList Returns a description of a data source function.
DbiOpenIndexList Opens a cursor on an in-memory table listing the indexes on a specified table, along with their descriptions.
DbiOpenIndexTypesList Creates an in-memory table containing a list of all supported index types for the driver type.
DbiOpenLockList Creates an in-memory table containing a list of locks acquired on the table.
DbiOpenRintList Creates an in-memory table listing the referential integrity links for a specified table, along with their descriptions.
DbiOpenSecurityList Creates an in-memory table listing record-level security information about a specified table.
DbiOpenTableList Creates an in-memory table with information about all the tables accessible to the client application.
DbiOpenTableTypesList Creates an in-memory table listing table type names for the given driver.
DbiOpenVchkList Creates an in-memory table containing records with information about validity checks for fields within the specified table.

13. Date/time/number format functions

Each function listed below sets or retrieves date or time, or decodes/encodes date and time into or from a timestamp.

DbiBcdFromFloat Converts FLOAT data to binary coded decimal (BCD) format.
DbiBcdToFloat Converts binary coded decimal (BCD) data to FLOAT format.
DbiDateDecode ecodes DBIDATE into separate month, day and year components.
DbiDateEncode Encodes separate date components into date for use by DbiPutField and other functions.
DbiGetDateFormat Gets the date format for the current session.
DbiGetNumberFormat Gets the number format for the current session.
DbiGetTimeFormat Gets the time format for the current session.
DbiSetDateFormat Sets the date format for the current session.
DbiSetNumberFormat Sets the number format for the current session.
DbiSetTimeFormat Sets the time format for the current session.
DbiTimeDecode Decodes time into separate components (hours, minutes, milliseconds).
DbiTimeEncode Encodes separate time components into time for use by DbiPutField and other functions.
DbiTimeStampDecode Extracts separate encoded date and time components from the timestamp.
DbiTimeStampEncode Encodes the encoded date and encoded time into a timestamp.
Original resource: The Delphi Pool
Author: Unknown
Added: 2013/01/28
Last updated: 2013/01/28