How to blend two pf24bit images using ScanLine #147
Does anyone know how to implement basic alphablending without using
Win2000 AlphaBlend function? I am trying to write a simple
graphics program that will perform some alphablending on Win95 and
Win98, but I don't know the necessary steps.
Here's a method of blending two bitmaps. It uses 24-bit bitmaps and scanlines, so only works with D3 or higher. It assumes that variable b, a TBitmap, has pixelformat pf24bit.
type {for scanline access to 24-bit bitmaps} TRGBArray = Array[0..32767] of TRGBTriple; pRGBArray = ^TRGBArray;
Gradient is one bitmap, b is the other. Amount is the percentage of the Gradient image to blend with b. tBufr is an existing TBitmap that's used internally for operations. b is the original bitmap. tBufr is sized to match b and Gradient is stretched into it for this operation. All bitmaps are created and freed elsewhere!
procedure TForm1.MergeGradient(Amount: integer); var pb, pc: pRGBArray; x, y: integer; GrdPct: Single; ImgPct: Single; begin Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; GrdPct := Amount / 100; ImgPct := 1 - GrdPct; tBufr.Width := b.Width; tBufr.Height := b.Height; tBufr.PixelFormat := pf24bit; tBufr.Canvas.StretchDraw( Rect(0, 0, tBufr.Width, tBufr.Height), Gradient ); for x := 0 to tBufr.Height-1 do begin pb := tBufr.ScanLine[x]; pc := b.ScanLine[x]; for y := 0 to tBufr.Width - 1 do begin pb[y].rgbtRed := Round( pb[y].rgbtRed * GrdPct + pc[y].rgbtRed * ImgPct ); pb[y].rgbtBlue := Round( pb[y].rgbtBlue * GrdPct + pc[y].rgbtBlue * ImgPct ); pb[y].rgbtGreen := Round( pb[y].rgbtGreen * GrdPct + pc[y].rgbtGreen * ImgPct ); end; end; Image1.Picture.Assign(tBufr); Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end;
Original resource: | The Delphi Pool |
Author: | Harm |
Added: | 2009/11/06 |
Last updated: | 2009/11/06 |