Scanning MS Office documents using the MS Anti-virus API #126
The Microsoft Antivirus API enables software developers to develop applications that scan Microsoft Office documents before opening them. The Antivirus API also supports scanning Microsoft IE code downloads, such as ActiveX controls.
The primary purpose of this API is to give a software developers the ability
to design and implement antivirus software that can be used by all
applications. The antivirus component is a standard ActiveX component you
register as an in-process server that supports the MSOfficeAntiVirus
component category:(CATID_MSOfficeAntiVirus:
TGUID = '{56FFCC30-D398-11d0-B2AE-00A0C908FA49}')
IE and MS Office implement the antivirus component as follows:
- Obtain the list of all the installed antivirus components registered as supporting the MSOfficeAntiVirus component category.
- Launch the installed components.
- Query for the IOfficeAntiVirus interface.
- Call the IOfficeAntiVirus.Scan method to obtain all the installed components.
- Continue to open the file after the virus scan, regardless of the HRESULT value. The antivirus software warns a user if a file has a known virus but opens the file after the warning. It is up to the user to take action concerning the warning.
unit msoav; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, ActiveX, ComObj, Classes; const IID_IOfficeAntiVirus : TGUID = '{56FFCC30-D398-11d0-B2AE-00A0C908FA49}'; CATID_MSOfficeAntiVirus : TGUID = '{56FFCC30-D398-11d0-B2AE-00A0C908FA49}'; type TInfoStruct = record fIsFile : boolean; fIsReadOnly : boolean; fIsInstalled : boolean; fIsHTTPDownload : boolean; end; {Contains information about the file to be scanned: * cbSize - Integer value that specifies the size of an MSOAVINFO * structure. * hWnd - Handle to the parent window of the Microsoft® Office 2000 * application. * pwzFullPath - Address of a wide character string that contains the full * path of the file about to be opened. * lpStg - Address of the OLE storage location of the file about to * be opened. * pwzHostName - Address of a wide character string that contains the host * application name for the antivirus scanner user interface. * pwzOrigURL - Address of a wide character string that contains the URL * of the origin of a downloaded file.} TMsoavinfo = record cbSize: integer; info: ULONG; wnd: HWND; FullPath: Pointer; pwzHostName: PWChar; pwzOrigURL: PWChar; end; {This is the interface an antivirus scanner uses to interact with a host application} IOfficeAntiVirus = interface(IUnknown) ['{56FFCC30-D398-11d0-B2AE-00A0C908FA49}'] function Scan(pmsoavinfo : PChar) : HResult; stdcall; end; function TestBit(const Value: Cardinal; const Bit: byte): Boolean; procedure GetRegisteredAntiviruses(ProgIDs: TStrings); implementation function TestBit(const Value: Cardinal; const Bit: byte): Boolean; begin Result := (Value and (1 shl (Bit mod 32))) <> 0; end; procedure GetRegisteredAntiviruses(ProgIDs: TStrings); var CatInformation: ICatInformation; Enum: IEnumGUID; CLSID: TGUID; nFetched: Cardinal; CatId: TGUID; begin CatInformation := CreateComObject(CLSID_StdComponentCategoryMgr) as ICatInformation; CatId := CATID_MSOfficeAntiVirus; OleCheck(CatInformation.EnumClassesOfCategories(1, @CatId, 0, nil, Enum)); ProgIDs.BeginUpdate; try ProgIDs.Clear; while (Enum.Next(1, CLSID, nFetched) = S_OK) do begin ProgIDs.Add(GuidToString(clsid)); end; finally ProgIDs.EndUpdate; end; end; end.
Now I will show a small example how to use the IOfficeAntiVirus interface to implement own antivirus program for Microsoft Office.
library msoavtest; uses ComServ, msoav, umsoavtest; exports DllGetClassObject, DllCanUnloadNow, DllRegisterServer, DllUnregisterServer; begin end.
unit umsoavtest; interface uses Windows, ActiveX, ComObj, ShlObj, Dialogs, msoav; type TMSOTest = class(TComObject, IOfficeAntiVirus) protected function Scan(pmsoavinfo : PChar) : HResult; stdcall; end; const Class_MsoTest: TGUID = '{F56BE781-C8BE-11D7-8601-00E0184D1E9D}'; implementation uses ComServ, SysUtils, ShellApi, Registry; procedure UpdateCat(Register: Boolean; const ClassID: string); const SCatImplBaseKey = 'CLSID\%s\Implemented Categories'; SCatImplKey = SCatImplBaseKey + '\%s'; var CatReg: ICatRegister; Rslt: HResult; CatInfo: TCATEGORYINFO; Description: string; begin Rslt := CoCreateInstance(CLSID_StdComponentCategoryMgr, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, ICatRegister, CatReg); if Succeeded(Rslt) then begin if Register then begin CatInfo.catid := CATID_MSOfficeAntiVirus; CatInfo.lcid := $0409; StringToWideChar('', CatInfo.szDescription, Length('') + 1); OleCheck(CatReg.RegisterCategories(1, @CatInfo)); OleCheck( CatReg.RegisterClassImplCategories( StringToGUID(ClassID), 1, @CATID_MSOfficeAntiVirus ) ); end else begin OleCheck( CatReg.UnRegisterClassImplCategories( StringToGUID(ClassID), 1, @CATID_MSOfficeAntiVirus ) ); DeleteRegKey(Format(SCatImplBaseKey, [ClassID])); end; end else begin if Register then begin CreateRegKey( 'Component Categories\' + GUIDToString(CATID_MSOfficeAntiVirus), '409', '' ); CreateRegKey( Format( SCatImplKey, [ClassID, GUIDToString(CATID_MSOfficeAntiVirus)] ), '', '' ); end else begin DeleteRegKey( Format( SCatImplKey, [ClassID, GUIDToString(CATID_MSOfficeAntiVirus)] ) ); DeleteRegKey(Format(SCatImplBaseKey, [ClassID])); end; end; if Register then begin Description := GetRegStringValue('CLSID\' + ClassID, ''); CreateRegKey('AppID\' + ClassID, '', Description); CreateRegKey('CLSID\' + ClassID, 'AppID', ClassID); end else DeleteRegKey('AppID\' + ClassID); end; { TMSOTest } function TMSOTest.Scan(pmsoavinfo: PChar): HResult; var Info : TMsoavinfo; Struct : TInfoStruct; p : pointer; begin p := pointer(pmsoavinfo); if not Assigned(p) then begin //no information available Result := S_OK; Exit; end; Move(P^, Info, SizeOf(Tmsoavinfo)); if Info.cbSize <> SizeOf(Tmsoavinfo) then begin //wrong size of the structure Result := S_OK; Exit; end; Struct.fIsFile := TestBit(Info.Info, 0); Struct.fIsReadOnly := TestBit(Info.Info, 1); Struct.fIsInstalled := TestBit(Info.Info, 2); Struct.fIsHTTPDownload := TestBit(Info.Info, 3); if struct.fIsFile then begin MessageDlg(PWChar(Info.FullPath), mtWarning, [mbOK], 0); end; Result := S_OK; end; type TMSOAvFactory = class(TComObjectFactory) public procedure UpdateRegistry(Register: Boolean); override; end; procedure TMSOAVFactory.UpdateRegistry(Register: Boolean); var ClassID: string; begin ClassID := GUIDToString(Class_MsoTest); if Register then begin inherited UpdateRegistry(Register); UpdateCat(true, ClassID); end else begin UpdateCat(false, ClassID); inherited UpdateRegistry(Register); end; end; initialization TComObjectFactory.Create( ComServer, TMsoTest, Class_MsoTest, 'MsoTest', '', ciMultiInstance, tmApartment ); end.
Author: | Shlomo Abuisak |
Contributor: | Shlomo Abuisak |
Added: | 2009/11/05 |
Last updated: | 2009/11/05 |